Friday, 16 January 2015

Are you Mad Ferritt?


I recently attended a gig at my local nightclub, which was hosting a tribute band for Oasis "Mad Ferritt". Anyone who is a true Oasis fan will get this great name play but unfortunately I found there to be few to none girls my age who actually got this reference let alone actual fans of Oasis, *sigh* but nevertheless it was a great night. I suppose you could say it was a complete sausage fest (soz for vulgarity) however if you were looking for lust then look no further than a tribute band gig.

This for me was definitely a night "all about the music man" not just some excuse I used in the presence of a creepy drunken man! The band opened with "Lyla" and from that moment on it was complete fan girl mode. I wouldn't mind but I saw Noel Gallagher in the flesh still it just wasn't the same as a complete night dedicated to the classics. 

As it was a night consisting of unattractive dancing and screaming, I didn't dress up too much. I said id channel my inner 80's persona for a change. I know a decade early for Oasis but it could be considered early 90's style too right? Regardless, my hair was up and the flats were out and I meant business. I'm not really one for getting myself done up to the nines for a concert so heels were a definite no but unfortunately my height (5"4.5, the half is important) isn't exactly an advantage at these types of events so I said my creepers would work perfectly.

I paired the oh too common off the shoulder black dress, which I got from Primark for €3 (#Bargain) with a metal gold belt I got for my graduation ball. I think the belt really brought the outfit from a "yes I'm wearing all black" to a "hell yeah black is sassy" look in my opinion. Not to mention black and gold are my favourite colours.

Some might say the band was electric, I was feeling supersonic and the cigarettes and alcohol were flowing. (sorry had to be done).

Of course the band did the whole encore regime because, and quote "what kind of rock & roll band would we be if we didn't pretend to leave and come back". They ended with a crowd roaring rendition of champagne supernova which was slightly obvious yet still amazing.  

It was definitely one of the best nights out in a long time and definitely a recommendation to all who like Oasis.

With love,
S.M xo



  1. I was never a big oasis fan although I had friends & family members who were. I think id still have enjoyed tribute band though as I know a lot of their songs & it sounds like a great night 😄

  2. Hiiii! I nominated you for the Liebster Award :) Sorry if you've already done it...questions on my blog!

    this makes me miss going out aha
